BUT, I seriously needa get down and work on my storyboard, it's due on Thursday.
Can't be slacking anymore. I am running out of time.
back to updating.
21st April 2011. Thursday.
I finally met up with my stereos. like how long did I not see them?
it's been like a while.
due to school reasons, been busy with assignments, and of cause getting sick and stuffs.
I didn't join them for quite a few gathering.
class ended at 7pm, with all the make up class and all. had to rush down to raffles city.
eating shokudo, since Alvin or was it wayne, had the vouchers.
$50 off for every $100 spend.
Anyway, it's Japanese food, so I totally don't mind.
I don't know for what reasons, my left ankle started to hurt very badly, and affecting me from walking properly.
I am like totally limping my way to raffles city.
The thing is, I do remember clearly that I did not, in anyway, injured it?
I know that my right knee's ligament starts acting up again, causing it to swell, quite badly.
I think it was due to the skating trip, havent been exercising properly, and causing it to be over worked? I suppose?
SO, technically, I was limping both ways?
The left ankle was hurting me more, so I had to lean on the right side?
Thus, exerting more force on my ligament, and cause it to hurt even more.
I am down on both side, I can't even stand properly, straight up, for more than 5 minutes and not changing sides to lean on.
Had to totally lean against Jellybean for support, especially on the super duper packed like sardine MRT ride to Raffles and back home.
I did felt a little out of place there, at the gathering... somehow.
I know I am thinking too much sometimes, actually most of the time.
Didn't get to update myself with them too, so, yeah, am just feeling a little wheeny lonely.
Anyway, got to eat my sashimi, so I was quite happy.
Wayne was leaving for Japan that night, so we kinda had to rush off after dinner.
And I was really limping very very slowly behind with jellybean.
Kinda lost them, and didn't mange to contact any of them at all.
The only one that I managed to get through was yiping, but we were like giving each other missed calls instead.
By the time I got her, they already left.
no one to blame, since wayne do have to rush off to catch his flight.
Wanted to tag along actually, think all of them went to send him off.
Love changi airport actually.
But my leg ><
Splendid. AND I meant the edible ones by the way.
Got buttered popcorn, green tea, strawberry cheesecake? some gum flavoured. can't really remember the last two actually.
LOVE JELLYBEAN LOTS, the edible ones. (alright, both :P)

n tadah, went home to rest my leg, poor legs.
My ligament was swollen quite badly, cause this time. even mummy can totally tell it was swollen.
normally she don't, but I can feel.
Really can't exert too much force on it anymore.
Had a long long talk with Yiping and Nigel. Learned great stuffs.
really had to repent? lots?
face the truth and grow up indeed?
just give me some time, please.
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