7th September 2011, We went out to celebrate Maggie's birthday :)
Apparently, Mr Tonton was so on time that he spend at least 30 minutes waiting for all of us.
Headed over to Marina after I met up with Tonton at the MRT station, since some of them were already there.
"Rotted" at starbucks while the birthday girl and bf decided what to do and wait for the others to arrive.
Kelvin had such a bad sinus so I introduced him the medicine that Jessica gave me while working @ the student centre.
Apparently, Kelvin was allergic to it, and had a 3 days long diarrhea, which happened to him during exams too, even though the medicine worked for him. Talk about side effects and allergies.
Felt so bad for introducing him the medicine.
K BOX was a no no in the end, and the movies slots @ Marina wasn't any good.
Lend them my phone as Singtel wasn't working well for them, and we decided to watch a movie at Cine.
Yinkwan walked pass us, and manage to pass her present to maggie :)
and kelvin thought that her brother was her boyfriend. LOL
and I managed to took a shot with her :)

Went to MOF @ Marina for lunch/dinner first.
Our conversation were hilarious, seriously.
Very wrong indeed too.
It went on and on about this couple, and Suki was so damn enthu in the topic.
Her reaction was like our entertainment :X
Some photos here and there

we managed to squeeze in the photo booth.

Headed over to Cine after the meal.
Didn't manage to buy the tickets for the one we wanted as it's almost SOLD out,
so we settled for
Didn't manage to buy the tickets for the one we wanted as it's almost SOLD out,
so we settled for
Dom, Maggie and I bought ourselves BFF too. I seriously love the fries, with a little burnt, but that day was a little burnt too much.
Managed to sneak in the theaters since I can't finish it before entering.
The movie wasn't bad, I was awake throughout the show, and was so disappointed in Tom Felton's role, bleahs.
It make him looked so ugly.
I was touched, here and there of the show, and was super excited at the back.
It make him looked so ugly.
I was touched, here and there of the show, and was super excited at the back.
AND, I can't stop laughing at the circus orang utan they had inside.
SO... my leg actually fell asleep and went numb half way through the show. -.-
My toes were like so in pain, I guess that's the effect I had for not wearing heels for so long and decided to wear it when I am out for such a long day.
I still love the shoe though.
It's just hilarious. -.-
Took polaroids on the MRT home, still continuing on our topic of the couple.

the birthday girl, Maggie & me :D
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